Christmas Community Drive

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The campaign will help support senior clients (through Age Concern), and assist children island-wide to obtain items that will help them during these challenging times. Gift cards will be given to our seniors to purchase much needed medical items and healthy food items will be given to benefit needy children.


GSP Champions Program

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Young Adult Professional Training Program

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This program assists the young person who has obtained their schooling in the arts and want to take it to the next level.


We can changethe life of African people with small help

Fusce suscipit varius mium sociis natoque penatibus magnis dis parturient montes nascetur ridiculus mususce feugiat malesua orbi nunc odio gravida. cursus nec luctus a loremaecenas tristique orci ac semuis ultricies pharetra magna.

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Duis id sodales metus, eu efficitur massa tiam consequat tellus at sem pulvinar efficitur.Nunc id tortor rutrum orci blandit efficitur.

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Duis id sodales metus, eu efficitur massa tiam consequat tellus at sem pulvinar efficitur.Nunc id tortor rutrum orci blandit efficitur.

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Become Volunteer

Duis id sodales metus, eu efficitur massa tiam consequat tellus at sem pulvinar efficitur.Nunc id tortor rutrum orci blandit efficitur.

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Duis id sodales metus, eu efficitur massa tiam consequat tellus at sem pulvinar efficitur.Nunc id tortor rutrum orci blandit efficitur.

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Integer accumsan nec orci at lacinia. Duis id sodales metus, eu efficitur massa am consequat tellus at sem tortor rutrum orci blandit efficitur.


What Donation Holders say

  • circle

    Thanks for all you do in the community. Your back to school drive was a wonderful idea and I’m glad I was able to benefit from it. Don’t know how i would have managed with out you! Love you lots xoxoxo

    Masante Maryam
  • circle

    Ms. Spence, thanks so much for the back to school program. My niece, who is a single mother, was able to get school clothes for her two daughters.

  • circle

    I was at the play Saturday night and on Sunday I had to come back. It was AWESOME and very touching. The first night people were in tears. I hope they can show it on CITV; it would be really good.

    Deborah Joell